Content creation

Creation of content for social networks for ADAP.

L'Associació d'Amics per la Defensa d'Animals del Penedès is a small non-profit association recently created by a group of friends. group of friends. For some time they have been acting in a particular way trying to help the animals of a territory where they territory where they believe they are very unprotected.
Its main objective is to defend and promote the adoption of companion animals. They are looking for a new opportunity for abandoned and neglected animals. Once with them, they are provided with the necessary necessary, such as care, hygiene and veterinary assistance. The animals are placed in homes offered by volunteers as temporary housing. volunteers as temporary homes (Casas de Acogida), where they are helped to recover physically from injuries or illnesses and psychologically from injuries or illnesses, and psychologically from traumas. In the absence of a physical location (shelter, shelter), the shelters are vital to their work. Once they have recovered, they are sought out and placed in responsible responsible adoption, ensuring that they end up in good hands through a prior and subsequent analysis of the families. of the families.